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† 7th Avenue Community Missionary Baptist Church is located just south of the OSU campus. Our divine proximity to the OSU campus offers students a short walk/ride to worship.
† 7th Avenue has long been a worship center for OSU students. We have a long history of opening our doors to students who have a desire to join a church under; "Watch Care" while they are away from their 'Home' Church.
† Many students after graduating from OSU and settling in Columbus have joined 7th Avenue, making it their home church and a place to continue their spiritual growth.
7th Avenue Community Involvement:
† Feeding Ministry (TBA)
Location: 7th Avenue Community Missionary Baptist Church.
† Bus Ministry (TBA)
Temporarily Suspended Until Further Notice.
Other Community Involvement
† Ohio State University Hale Center.
† Faith Mission Homeless Shelter.
† Weinland Park Civic Association.
† Weinland Park Elementary School.
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